Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Invitations Are Out!

Invitations have been sent!! You should expect to see them in your mailbox by the end of this week. Please send your rsvp card, class survey and payment in as soon as possible!!

If you do not receive an invitation in the mail, it means you didn't send me your address...or I sent it to an old one. It doesn't mean you aren't invited, or that we don't want you there....it just means I didn't have any way of contacting you.
If you did not receive an invitation and would still like to attend, please email me and I will get you the info. We would like to get as accurate of a count as possible, mostly for food purposes.
The cost of the reunion is--
$20 per person for the dinner/dance.
Picnic is free.
If you plan to not attend dinner, and only come for the dance...the cost is the same!! We will accept walk in's for the dance, but probably not the dinner.

Again, if you have questions...or don't receive an invitation, please email me at towers_b@yahoo.com.

Other things to note:
Kids are welcome at the picnic...but adults only at the dinner/dance!
We are looking for your pictures for the slide show, please send them in!

I look forward to getting your "yes" response....and seeing you in August!