Thursday, May 21, 2009

If you are listed, I do not have a current address...

Here is a list of people I do not have current addresses for. If you are on this list....PLEASE send me your address!!!! As you can see, there are still a lot of people "missing". HELP!!!

(Also, thank you to everyone who has been searching for addresses with me! Especially Michelle, Josh and Amy!)

Adams, Sean
Aiken, Pam
Anderson, Cindee
Anderson, Matthew
Andretta, (Grossheider) Suzanne
Andriacchi, Kristen
Aspen, Bridget
Barnhardt, Stuart
Barrows, Ryan
Bast, Amber
Belden, Jessica
Bennet, Brian
Bentley, Jason
Bjerke, Alisia
Blodgett, Sean
Bohlinger, Jessica
Bowe, Alison
Brennan, Seamus
Brondani,, Lauren
Chang, Mai
Chodera, Jason
Christensen, Darrick
Christenson, Kevin
Cook, Katherine-E
Coyier, Nicole-
Crowell, Kelli-
Curler, Scott
Davey, Richard
Dawson, David
Day, James
Dayton, Michael
Delgadillo, James
Dettinger, Lucas
Dierking, Richard
Doney, Lori
Dorn, Katy
Douglas, Justin
Duffy, Bryan-
Dunbar, Greg
Duss, Kelly-
Edington, Jamie
Ehrhard, (Panka) Rebecca
Ellison, Jessica
Falkner, Brent
Fehr, Graeme
Fleury, Jeffery
Frank, Angela
Gable, Charles
Gaier, Jonalea
Galde, Sara
Gehring, Matthew
Gerard, Rachelle
Gilboy, Michael
Goethel, (McFarlane) Jaime
Gordon, Kathryn
Green, Kristi
Halverson, Jesse
Hansen, Wendy
Hanson, Michael
Hatleli, Mason
Hayes, Jeremiah
Hebert, Nicholas
Hecker, William
Helgeson, Jaime
Hempel, Sunday
Her, Cindy
Her, Mee
Hintz, Kendra
Hix, Joanna
Hollister, Lance
Huckeba, James
Hugdahl, Corey
Huset, Brandon
Jacobson, Angela
Jacobson, Joshua
Jagow, Matthew
Jahns, Justin
Jochum, Jeffery
Johns, Raymond
Johnson, David
Jungerberg, Tara
Kai, Hisako
Keldson, Joy
Keppert, Michael
Kewin, Patrick
King, Ashley
Kirk, Samantha
Knueppel, Jess
Kruger, Stanley
Kruschke, Darren
Kruschke, Jesse
Kruse, Alex
Kufner, (Hurt) Sarah
Kunick, Eric
Lambert, Ryan
Larsen, Aaron
Lee, Fue
Lee, Pang
Lee, Pheng
Liljander, Timothy
Lokken, Jenny
Lor, Chua
Lor, Pheng
Lynch, Brandon-
Maloney, Mitchell
Manske, Westley
Marhohl, Christopher
Markco, Justin
Martell, Gregory
Martin, Ginger
Mcfarlane, Jesse
McIlquham, Christopher
Milander, Chad
Miller, Ben
Miller, Jason
Mitchell, (Cannon) Vanessa
Mittelstadt, Saprena
Moltzau, Ashley
Monson, Luke
Montoya, Damien
Moua, Hue
Moua, Thong
Moua, Xyootshiab
Napiwocki, Ashley
Nelson, Joshua
Nyseth, Chad
Olson, Daniel
Olson, Eric
Olson, Michael
Olson, Scott
Owen, Charles
Owen, Daniel
Parrott, Mary
Passon, Dani
Paulsen, Shari
Petersen, Bryan
Polus, John
Polus, Melissa
Potter, Scott
Prill, Amanda
Prill, Jennifer
Putnick, Michelle
Radke, Christopher
Reiman, Aleshia
Reiman, Josh
Rindt, Jason
Risen, (Eslinger) Angie
Robinson, Brian-
Rodgers, Tyler
Rohde, Shannon
Sanders, Teri
Schultz, Angela
Seipel, Jennifer
Seitz, Kristen
Shafer, Lisa
Shock, Greg
Shoemaker, Lindsey
Sippel, Dustin
Slauson, Megan
Small, Elijah
Smith, Andrew
Spooner, James
Stanton, Tina
Strohbusch, Jenny
Sullivan, Jolene
Swanson, Sarah
Tabor, Seth
Tomasik, Melanie
Tomsen, Jennifier
Ulry, Jessica
Weisendanger, Michael
Welch, Todd
Whiteside, Krista
Wood, Jenna
Woods, Jason

Your "To Do" List...

Invitations are here and ready to be addressed!!!
So that means...if you have not sent me your address, please get it to me within the next week or so! Even if you think you won't be able to make it, please send your address anyway, as I still want to make sure an invitation gets to you...sometimes plans change. Send addresses to

Your "To Do" List---
  • Send your address
  • Send a few pictures for the slide show
  • Send song requests, if you have them
  • Spread the word...
  • Send your rsvp ($ and survey) back by the date requested (aug.10)
  • Show up!!!
I am really looking forward to the event and hope that we have a great turnout!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The list is growing....YAY!

Here is an updated list as of 5/2/09. If your name isn't on this list...I haven't gotten your address! I am super excited that we have 142 people on this!! Thanks to those who sent me additional addresses too! I look forward to the list growing even more over the next few weeks...and then...invitations go out! Crazy!!

Ali, Beki (Goserud)
Anderson, Nick
Anderson, Traci (Martin)
Baldwin, Heather
Behrendt, Brett
Berg, Brook (Towers)
Berg, Shelley
Bluemel, Amanda (Tjader)
Bluemel, Mike
Booth, Rachel (Evjen)
Bork, Breanne (Parr)
Braker, Crystal (Viellieux)
Brogelman, Rachel (Borton)
Brunner, Matthew
Burt, Justin
Burt, Missy (Lange)
Byers, Melinda (Roth)
Christenson, Erin (Klawiter)
Christenson, Joshua
Christianson, Tami (Martinek)
Chrystal, Cassie (Burrows)
Colvin, Kari (Krause)
Czaplewski, Laura (Bonnin)
Dahlgren, Jim
Dedrickson, Jennifer
Dekan, Jason
DeMuth, Christina (thompson)
DesForge, Carly (House)
Doney, Tanya (Goettl)
Drehmel, Justin
Dunn, Todd
Engstrom, Kevin
Erickson, Mike
Esser, Lori (Doney)
Evans, Jack
Falkner, Paul
Fellenz, Ryan
Fitzgerald, Maighie
Fitzmaurice, Adam
Fritz, Sara
Fuchs, Traci (Karpe)
Garber, Heidi
Gehring, Kristi
Gehrmann, Shannon (Duever)
Goettl, Kari (Hagel)
Gonstead, Jonas
Grayson, Kit
Griffin, Ryan
Gromer, Adam
Gross, Rochley
Haines, Courtney (Christenson)
Haines, Jodi
Hansen, Erin
Hendrickson, Justin
Hendrickson, Kelly (Walker)
Hendrickson, Sara (Ryan)
Hentz, Erin
Herrick, Tabitha
Hodorowski, Neil
Holt, Joshua
Hughes, Darin
Jakobitz, Erica
Johnson, Brooke (Belden)
Johnson, Chandra
Johnson, Nate
Kalla, Erin
Keegan, Colleen
Kissinger, Aaron
Knoll, Ali (Burt)
Knudson, Andrea
Krogman, Tracy (Moores)
Kuklinski, Julie
Larson, Gina
Larson, Jesse
LaValley, Jim
Liebelt, Vicki
Liester, Naomi (Witzig)
Lokken, Jennifer D
Marx, Jen
McCracken, Matt
McMahon, Nick
Miskanis, Beki (Garner)
Moeding, Andrew
Moeding, Angie (Bryn)
Munden, Kirk
Myers, Mike
Myers, Travis
Nehls, Jenna (Brantner)
Nelson, Teena
Nelson, Thea
Nesgooda, Kelly

Newhouse, Amy (Jensen)
Nichols, Sarah
Olson, Eric
Palmer, Rick
Park, Johanna (Prell)
Pekol, Jessica (Walter)
Peters, John
Petska, Tanya (Gunderson)
Pirlot,Sarah (House)
Pisca, Erika (Reber)
Prusila, Katie
Radle, Jessica (Weeks)
Reynolds, Jason
Richards, Tami (Grahs)
Rieder, Alyssa
Roberts, Kristi (Dutton)
Rothbauer, Sara (Carlson)
Rumphol, Adam
Rundberg, Kelly
Sarbeck, April (Hays)
Schaefer, Tiffany (Genrich)
Schick, Kari (Miller)
Schroedel, Brett
Senn, Elia
Smith, Jesse
Smith, Ryan
Stelter, Aaron
Stelzer, Brent
Sterling, Misty (Johnson)
Strasburg, Michelle
Strelec, Jessica (Polus)
Swanson, Mike
Swope, Amanda (Markowitz)
Telisak, Alissa (Manning)
Thompson, Justin
Torrence, Aimee (Patrow)
Tremblay, Michelle
Vobornick, Ryan
Vobornick, Stephanie (Brenner)
Von Bank, Katie (Sauter)
Vue, Fue
Wait, Eric
Wait, Tiffany (Blount)
Walker, Amy (Kjelstad)
Walker, Emily (Fisher)
Wetterling, Taynya
Whitwam, Jamie
Woody, Danielle
Woody, Jared
Zivney, Bettina (Prochnow)